The Smith-Bullas Collection


A collection of twelve images and fourteen related links arising from the lives of William Smith (1833-1896) and his wife Anne, nee Bullas (c1837-1926)

William Smith Anne Smith, nee Bullas

William and Anne were mid-nineteenth century English migrants to Australia.   From Derbyshire and Yorkshire respectively, they married in 1858 in Ballarat, Victoria before settling at nearby Daylesford.

(Each image occupies its own webpage and is preceded by a short introduction at the top of its page.)

Choose your starting point from which to view this collection by using the internal links below.  Wherever you go, these links will appear again so that you can keep moving through the collection with ease. 

Also, at any time you wish, you will be able to transfer
  back here, or 
  to William and Anne's First Families 2001 webpage, or 
  to Martyn and Helen's Directory.

Numerous related external links are listed for your information at the end of this page.

If you visit any of these external links, you will need to use your browser's 'Back' button to return here.  The external links appear only on this page.  Unlike the internal links, they are not repeated throughout the collection.

The Smith-Bullas Collection was placed on the web on 5th January, 2000.  The most recent revision occurred on 27th January, 2015.
Responses to any of the information contained in the collection will be very welcome.
Email opportunities are available on each page.

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Internal Links of the Smith-Bullas Collection

(Note:  Viewing the maps in the listed order will give you a 'zoom out' effect.)

   Portion of a Railways Department 1885 map showing the location of the Smith farm and buildings, Smith's Creek, the route of the planned Daylesford to Ballarat line and the home of son William's future wife, Jane Tresise.

   Portion of a modern Daylesford tourist map showing the location of the Smith farm in East Street relative to the town centre.

   Section of William and Anne's 1858 marriage registration showing William's signature and Anne's mark.

   Section of William and Anne's son William's 1890 marriage registration showing father's and son's signatures and mother Anne's or sister Anne's signature also.

   Grandson Reginald Smith's WW1 enlistment recorded in The Daylesford Advocate. 

   Reginald's departure from Daylesford for WW1 service.

   William and Anne's grave, Daylesford Cemetery.

   The inscriptions on William and Anne Smith's grave in the Daylesford Cemetery.  (There are two images on this page.)

   Son William's grave, Daylesford Cemetery.  (Two images)

   The Egerton Cemetery grave of Anne's nieces, Rosa and Elsie Bullas.


External links

(Note:  Use your  browser's 'Back' button to return.)

   William's baptismal Parish of Crich in Derbyshire, England.  (This is an excellent website by modern Crich resident, Alan Flint, and includes a transcription of the 1841 Census.  From this transcription, it appears that William, 8, and his family resided in Crich Chase in 1841.  Alan Flint is handing over much if not all of his Crich information to two other Crich residents, Peter Patilla and Brian Gibbons, who have created Crich Parish.)

   Contemporary documentation of Crick in (i) Pigot's 1835 Directory and (ii)  Bagshaw's 1846 Directory, listing, possibly, William's father, James, as a Crich blacksmith.

   Map, showing Crich, Holloway and Ashover villages.  (It is likely that William was born in Holloway, which straddled the Parishes of Crich and Ashover.)

   Twenty year-old William Smith on the Passenger List of the 'Queen of the Seas', arrived Geelong, September, 1854.  Travelling with him in the same cabin was William Bullas, an older brother of his future wife.  Verify this information by entering relevant details into the form that you will find at this link.

   Anne, and her Bullas family, as recorded on the Passenger List of the 'Titan', arrived Melbourne, August, 1857.  (Enter 'Bullas', 'Titan', 'August' and '1857' for full listing.)

   The Journal of a fellow passenger on the 'Titan', James Letcher.

   Map, Daylesford in relation to Ballarat, Geelong, Melbourne and Bendigo.

  Reginald Smith's official WW1 records.

   Reginald Smith's burial record at Springvale Botanical Cemetery, and his life-partner Dorothy's record.  They are buried in the same location.  A photograph of the plaques at the location can be viewed here on William and Anne's FF2001 page.

   Anne Smith's parents' FF2001 webpage.

   The Tresise-Pollard Collection.  This is a separate but related collection in the same series.  William and Anne's eldest son William married Jane Tresise in 1890.  Her parents were Richard and Dinah Tresise, nee Pollard.  This collection contains images equally relevant to the Smith-Bullas family, eg an elevated photograph of the Smith farmland in Daylesford.

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Martyn and Helen's Directory

William and Anne's FF2001 page